CUDA Case Study – N-Body Simulation

CUDA N-Body Simulation

CUDA N-Body Simulation

In this post, I will analyze the CUDA implementation of the N-Body simulation. The implementation that I will be using as a reference for this article is provided with the CUDA GPU Computing SDK 10.2. The source code for this implementation is available in the “%NVCUDASAMPLES_ROOT%\5_Simulations\nbody” in the GPU Computing SDK 10.2 samples base folder.

I assume the reader has a good understanding of the CUDA programming API.

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Introduction to OpenCL



In this article I will provide a brief introduction to OpenCL. OpenCL is a open standard for general purpose parallel programming across CPUs, GPUs, and other programmable parallel devices. I assume that the reader is familiar with the C/C++ programming languages. I will use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to show how you can setup a project that is compiled with the OpenCL API.

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